Wonderful Revised Schedule 3 Balance Sheet Format In Excel With Formula

Balance sheet Simple Report on your assets and liabilities with this accessible balance sheet template.
Revised schedule 3 balance sheet format in excel with formula. We have created the Excel sheet from the data provided above and calculated the depreciation using DB Declining Balance formula. Along with Revised Schedule III in ExcelYou can also watch CACSCMA video lecture at CAKART. Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2017 Particulars I.
Nahi - FNDLO F- TICI Chlega- CITCSO. Format of financial statements of a company required to comply IND AS xlsx. Revised Schedule VI in Excel Format Balance Sheet Profit Loss Ac Notes.
On 26 May 2016. Excel Format of Schedule III As per the Companies Act 2013. Form and contents of Balance sheet and Profit Loss Account of a company under Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956 revised.
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1 Shareholders Funds a Share Capital ISSUED AND SUBSCRIBED SHARE CAPITAL b Reserves and Surplus PROFIT AND LOSS AND RESERVES IF ANY c Money received against share warrants SHARE WARRANTS ARE FREELY TRANSFERABLE IT IS A RARE CO. Scroll down and download a very useful revised schedule III in Excel. The balance sheet used to sometimes be shown in a horizontal format instead of the vertical format shown above.
3 17-2 15 Id like a formula that creates a running balance in the total on the right. DBB1B2B31 You can see that the depreciation of 180400- is getting calculated from year 1 to year 5. Profit and Loss as per Schedule III for Trading Companies and Service Providers.
This Excel template containing balance sheet profit loss account in revised schedule vi format with auditors report director report tax aduit report form 3CD and annexures Annual Return of MCA all containing automatic formulas is really wonderful. Total Assets 183500. Sub items included in various heads if any.