Outstanding Dormant Company Financial Statements Template

The company is dormant and has not traded during the year or subsequent to the year end.
Dormant company financial statements template. The company is not required to file financial statements with ACRA. About Financial Report Templates. You can access them via the links below.
It must be dormant and has submitted its Form C-S C financial statements and tax computations up to the date of cessation of business. The company must be dormant throughout the financial periodyear. This will help you work harder towards your goals.
And ii the consolidated financial statements of the holding company which include the results of the Exempted Parent. - the company has been dormant for the financialperiodyear. A dormant company is exempted from the statutory audit requirements but is still required to prepare financial statements.
A financial report template shows a structured record presenting the financial activities and position of the business entity through presentation of basic financial statements management discussions and analyses. Accruals accounts CC17 SORP FRS 102 for charitable companies. The company is not altering any information previously filed with ACRA.
The names of people and entities included as illustrations are fictitious. Opinion of the directors In the opinion of the directors ahe financial statements of the Company are drawn up so as to give a true and fair t view of the financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2018 and the financial. Edit with Office GoogleDocs iWork etc.
New Law expected to be effective Jan 2016 A dormant non-listed company other than a subsidiary of a listed company is exempt from requirement to prepare financial statements. The dormant company abbreviated accounts are very simple and must include an abbreviated balance sheet with notes to the accounts. In such situations the notes to the financial statements of.