Fabulous Is Profit/loss A Liability Assest Or Owner Equity

Equity comprises the direct investment in the company made by its shareholders stockholders by way of paid up share capital.
Is profit/loss a liability assest or owner equity. Equity as a Liability Also known as equity shareholders funds represent the sum owed by a company to its shareholders - That makes it a liability. Therefore proft or loss for the periodyear is not a liability but a return on tne net owners investment-ie. Profit is a liability because business runs with owners share holders capital.
Lets take the equation we used above to calculate a companys equity. Resources include cash or other assets like inventory etc. Asset what we own Liability what we owe.
Owners Equity The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities. Therefore owners equity can be calculated as follows. If the stocks value goes up by 10 you gain 10 worth of equity and can sell the stock to make a profit.
Assets liabilities and owners equity. Analyzing the Balance Sheet. OEq Assets - Liabilities Includes.
It is a figure that arrived when the liabilities are deducted from the value of total assets. Businesses also refer to assets and liabilities as profits and losses Assets represent a companys resources while liabilities represent a companys obligations. It is neither an expense nor a liability rather it is a reduction in the residual interest of the owner in the entity or in layman terms reduction in the amount of investment made by the owner.
Assets 1000000 1000000 800000 400000 32 million. Liabilities 500000 800000 800000 21 million. Now suppose it reports the following at year end 2015 after the owner invests 200 more into the business.